Singin', Dancin', Lovable Fool

Looking for a class to really strengthen your Acting and Audition Technique?
Confused about what Branding is, but afraid to ask?
Isn't it time to take control of your choices and your career?
Strengthen your song interpretation technique while making an IMPRESSION. Find new material while making choices that actual move a room. And (finally) define that ever elusive Brand!
Adolpho Blaire's Audition Bootcamp differs from similar audition classes in that it arms students with strong Text Analyzation skills as well as exercises and work towards Brand Definition. This isn't a "Feedback" class. This is a safe place to do the "Dirty Work" for breakthroughs that take an artist's choices from instinctual to fully owned. When you bring your unique qualities into focus, both Directors and Casting Directors can assess where you "fit."
Not only that, but it's the MOST INEXPENSIVE CLASS of it's kind in NYC. It's a 4 week session, 2 and a half hours a week, with only 5 students in the class.